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QR Code Generator Template Setup Instructions

Setup Instructions

This template is easy to use, but there are just a few things to consider when generating QR codes. Follow the steps below to get started and to see how it works. 

Step 1:

You will see this page below when you make a copy of this Spreadsheet. This is a great opportunity for you to view the Apps Script file. This will open in a new tab in your browser and allow you to review the script running this application. Admittedly, it’s not essential, but if you want a glimpse of how this works, you can check it out. 

There is nothing you need to do with this Apps Script file other than it allows you to see how it works. 

To proceed, click the blue ‘Make a copy’ button. 

Step 2: 

Once you’ve made a copy by clicking on the blue ‘Make a copy’ button, you will need to wait around 10-15 seconds for the script to initialise in the spreadsheet. Once this happens, you’ll see a new menu option called ‘QR Code’ appear.

You should click this ‘QR Code’ menu and choose the ‘Generate QR Codes’ option from the list. This will trigger the Apps Script to bring up the permissions steps necessary to give the sheet access to your Google Drive and documents.

Step 3:

First up, you will see this - Authorization Required. Click OK to proceed. 

Step 4:

Next, you will choose the account to which you wish to give permission for this new sheet. You’ll see your email address here, so click on that to proceed. If you are logged in with multiple Google accounts, choose the account to which you wish to add this. 

Step 5:

The following message looks a little scary, but I can assure you it’s completely safe. This application has not been deployed through Google Marketplace; therefore, Google has not verified the application, but that’s all this means. 

This message will appear with any Google Apps Script file that runs, but if you want reassurance, look through the Apps Script file you opened before making the copy to see for yourself. 

Click the small Advanced link in the bottom left corner to proceed. 

If you closed the Google Apps Script file earlier, you could reaccess it by going to the menu Extensions > Apps Script in the spreadsheet. You can review the code to reassure yourself. 

Step 6:

The following message is even scarier, suggesting the Application is unsafe. SpreadsheetWise is the developer, so you can disregard this and click the Go to QR Code Generator link at the bottom. 

Step 7:

The following window simply shows you what the script can access. This application will need to:

  • See, edit, create and delete all your Google Drive files

  • See, edit, create and delete all your Google Sheets spreadsheets

  • Connect to an external service

You need to remember that this file is yours now; as a developer, Spreadsheet Wise cannot access your spreadsheet or your Google Drive. The script is bound to the copied sheet; nobody else can access it but you.  

This instructs you that the Script can do these things in your account. These are necessary to create QR Code images in your Drive. The ‘Connect to an external service’ permission is necessary to generate QR codes using the API from QuickChart pricing can be found here, but the free solution allows 1,000 QR codes per month with unlimited scans and a limit of 60 QR codes per minute. This should suffice for most people's needs, but it’s just something to bear in mind. 

You should click the Allow button at the bottom, and you're done with the permissions part. 

You won’t need to go through that process again; it’s only the first time you run the script that you must give permissions. 

Generating QR Codes

To generate QR codes you need to follow these three simple rules, 

1. Column A should contain the name you want to call the QR code image for each row. This is the file name you will see in your Google Drive. 

2. Column B should contain the URL link you want to convert to a QR code for each row that has a file name.

3. Once you have columns A and B ready, you can click the Generate QR Codes from the QR Code menu to generate a QR code and a link to that code in column C (Drive URL).

All the while column C is empty for each row the script will process rows that have a value in rows for column A and B. Once the script finishes it will automatically add a link to your Google Drive to view the QR code in column C for each row. 

Any rows that already have a Google Drive link will not be processed. 

QR Code images can be accessed with the Google Drive link in column C of the spreadsheet or directly via your Google Drive in the folder called QR Codes. These images can be downloaded from your Google Drive and used anywhere.


That’s pretty much all you need to know. It’s a powerful and lightweight QR Code generator that helps you create QR codes for things such as marketing and emails, etc. 

Just bear in mind that there is a limit to the number of QR codes that you can generate each minute and each month as alluded to earlier. If you exceed this limitation the script will not work. 

If you like this sheet, I would really appreciate it if you could leave a review to let others know what you think.

Thank you again for your purchase and for supporting SpreadsheetWise. I really do appreciate your business. 

We would encourage you to check our full range of Google Sheets templates here, and be sure to check out our YouTube channel for tips and tricks in Google Sheets. 

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